Everything for Your Yard, Designed & Built 949.574.9177

Artificial Sod & Home Putting Greens

Eliminate Lawn Care

Install Artificial Sod that Looks Real

Artificial sod has come a long way from the old days of plastic-looking Astroturf®. Today’s top-of-the-line synthetic turf is like an outdoor “carpet” designed to look and perform like natural grass. Your landscaping gets the beauty of a lawn that’s always lush and green, without the need for mowing, watering or fertilizing.

Artificial sod is available in colors and textures that mimic all of the most popular grass types, including Kentucky Blue, Rye, and a wide variety of fescues. Gold Coast installs high-grade artificial sod, backed by a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty.

Enjoy a Maintenance-Free Home Putting Green

If golf is your passion, there’s just nothing like having a home putting green for perfecting your putt! It’s no secret that most golfers waste countless strokes on and around the putting green. Gold Coast can design and install a professional quality artificial turf home putting green that will let you improve your game in the convenience of your own backyard.

The premium-quality synthetic turf used in your home putting green is not the same as the realistic-looking artificial turf used to replace lawns. Low and tight, this is a very rigid turf that’s specially manufactured and installed to create an ideal golf playing surface for you.

Get Expert Installation for Long-Lasting Results

We’ve all seen synthetic turf that looks terrible. The grass blades don’t look right, the lawn’s edges look frayed and the weeds are the only thing that looks real. The results you’ll get with synthetic turf are based on the quality of the product and the quality of the installation.

Whether installing artificial sod or a home putting green, Gold Coast will:

  • Remove the existing surface
  • Grade the area to the proper depth
  • Spread and compact pebble rock or decomposed granite
  • Install an effective weed barrier
  • Place a layer of pea gravel
  • Lay and compact the synthetic turf
  • Edge-bind the perimeters
  • Secure the edges in place
  • Ensure proper drainage